Saturday, October 31, 2009


Overcast, foggy with rain on the way.  Mmm! Do I chance it?  Yes, why not?  I could be back in a few minutes, hours or even tonight if I'm really lucky!

Wow!  I've been outside ALL day.  Not a single drop of rain.

I finished the second layer of rosemary tiles on the other two pillars, capped the front edge of tiles to brick, dug out the tarmac path under the wall and built a flower bed edging.  I also had a supa-dupa fire and burned stacks of rubbish. I love fires!

I think the rain will still come so I've covered everything.

The only casualty was the grinder...totally burned out with sparks flying just as I finished cutting the concrete edges. With bonfire night looming it was a perfect send-off.

I had a chance to practice my French today. While I was working on the wall a man stopped and looked at what I was doing.  He eventually spoke and I could tell  he was German. "Gut" he said as he pointed at the wall.  "Merci" said I like a total idiot.

Going to chill now and watch a movie with Bev.

I've just noticed! Welcome to Helen from Australia. Tomorrow I'll have a chance to read your blog in more detail as it looks very interesting...I've had a quick look and what I read brought memories flooding back of when I worked for Turners bakery in Nottingham way back in the 70's.

What were you and your brothers thinking of  Tammy Lock?  Hanging upside down over a bridge spells danger in any language!  It's just the kind of thing I would have done.

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