Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Marks & Spencer

I'm not sure if M&S is known outside Europe, but all the same, this is something I found interesting.

We had just woken up feeling groggy after our 4:00am text from Ashley on Saturday morning.  Throughout the night the wind had been howling...not that we could hear it much, but the trees gave evidence of it as the branches swirled outside our bedroom window.

This is a lovely location...a house built in the1500's and full of charm.

At breakfast (8:30) in front of a welcoming fire set inside the largest inglenook fireplace I've ever seen outside of a stately home, we planned the day.

Skipton was to be our first visit, so after watching the ducks, geese and chickens play outside around the brook, we set off. 

This is what we learned about M&S from the local museum as Thomas Spencer gazed down at me from his glass cabinet. No, he wasn't stuffed-it was a photograph.

The man hailed from Skipton apparently and had been encouraged to join up with a penny bazaar merchant named Michael Marks from nearby Leeds.

Thomas put £300 towards the venture and Michael £450.  Had it been the other way round we would have had S&M (just doesn't have the same ring).  It could even have been M&M's if Thomas had been christened Maurice (now that's interesting). They could have gone into sweets instead!

Anyway, while we were visiting Harrogate later that day, I couldn't remember the date that M&S got together until we came across this busker.  I found him great to talk to as I had an epiphone 12 string just like his way back in 1977 (minus the bolts). Note where he's chosen to play...and the date!

Yes, it was a funny way to have a question answered and yes, to busk in Paris or another major city is still on my bucket list.  Hopefully, I won't have to wait until I'm penniless.

Here are a few other photos...

A French chicken hutch in Yorkshire which is guaranteed to deny foxes a free meal.  The owner insists it works so I took detailed pics for reference.  It houses three chickens and if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed they'd walk up those rickety ramps.

In the Dales with the weather improving...

Our little friend the Harrogate Harrier.

If you want to get away from it all, this isn't a bad place to start...go with someone you love.

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