Sunday, October 25, 2009

Clocks back an hour today...

Reading about Randi and her hilarious grooming and spider post reminded me of a similar experience.

Fifteen minutes into our drive to church last week-I was the passenger- I casually asked Bev for her opinion on something. In reply she squealed hysterically and swerved the car to an abrupt stop. I was disorientated for a second, shaken, confused and frankly shocked at her continuing shrieking response to what I thought was a reasonable question...until I saw the spider that had lowered itself and was dangling on a single thread right in front of her face. It was HUGE. I swiped at it and it fell onto her lap (more screaming), I flicked it onto the floor (more hysterics). I had to get out of the car and come round to the drivers side to get at it. It was so funny trying to find something to scoop it out with as Bev continued to scream... there was no chance I was going to touch it.

Why is it that women marginally beat men in the fear of spiders? I was very thankful that Sarah wasn't driving as she would scream just as loud if not louder at plastic pretend spiders.

Here's Martin and Sarah from last Sunday.

The ivy from the front door turning colour as Bev was driving off (wall to the left is progressing).

Bev and Edith half an hour ago...

Oh, and something she's grown in the garden...she's really proud!

Church was good this morning and the meetings were in reverse because of the primary age children presentation on "The family".  They did really well...I remember our children doing the same thing and here they are all grown up and married.  How time flies!  We are really very blessed. I'm very happy.  I'm so happy that I've even forgiven my dentist.

We chilled this afternoon with Edith, Amber and Ash and caught up on the family stretched across this green and pleasant land.

Next week Amber's parents will be here from New York for Edith's blessing.  All the family will converge on Mansfield for a super family gathering. It's going to be quite a day and quite a week leading up to it.


  1. I'm thinking someone ought to be teaching spiders that Sunday is a day of rest! Poor Bev. I sincerely feel her pain. I (for some unknown masochistic reason) tried to put myself in her place, and am sure an accident would have resulted.

    I'm glad you've forgiven your dentist.:)

    That corn looks waaaay yummy! Reminds me of Iowa...(homesickness setting in.)

  2. I don't mind spiders - I like watching them spin their webs. In fact I more than 'don't mind them' - I really think they are fascinating wonderful creatures that eat the insects I truly detest - the ones who bite me. I would never kill one and sometimes name the ones that take a corner of the kitchen and I put flies on to their webs. Then of course I have to move the kettle to another corner so that the steam doesn't disturb them.

    yours truly
    a spider lover

  3. Now come on FF, are you saying you wouldn't freak-out by an in-your-face, fat, furry, fast, furious non-English speaking spider? Don't get me wrong,I find them fascinating too...when they aren't dangling off my nose or swinging from my ear! Hey, and what have you got against flies?
    Yours truly
    fly loving Ken (not likely!)

    Hi Randi
    I'll forgive, but I won't forget!

  4. Well, as our dear friend rb once said, "If you can't forgive and forget, pick one." :)

  5. I guess the forgetting one comes more naturally Randi so I'll pick that one. Who am I forgiving? See, I've already forgotten.
