Saturday, April 17, 2010

Making the most of it

"Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy." -Robert Brault.
We were sitting in the sun on the garden bench having a breather and were talking about this very thing of being just happy with here and now. Yesterday has gone, we don't have tomorrow but we do have's all we have. We've reminded ourselves of that fact and have had a happy day in the garden front and back. Bev was having to pinch herself.
Hasn't it gone quickly. Pretty soon it'll be yesterday. 

Behind on all my e-mails so I'll perhaps catch up tomorrow afternoon.


  1. Such a pleasure Ken "...We've reminded ourselves of that fact and have had a happy day in the garden front and back.." am given to understand that the sum total of eastern thought can be stated as BE HERE NOW! Robert has captured it beautifully "Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy."

  2. The flowers of tomorrow are planted in the seeds of today. That was the motto on a bookmark that I was given when quite young- it's always meant quite a lot to me.

    As has the Incredible String Band's song 'This Moment' (which is different from any before it, this moment is different, it's now).

    Both good things to think about now and then.

    I was planting some 'elephants' ears yesterday and for a moment was so absorbed in the moment - the bee nearby, a bird eating a worm, the two dogs playing on the grass - it was positively idyllic and I was right 'in the moment' - I thought 'this will never happen again just like this' and it felt wonderful to be alive.

    Have a lovely Sunday

  3. Very, 'Power of Now!'

    We do only ever have now but I often forget to get in it and just 'be'!

    I think the winter is great because it makes the first wave of spring so uplifting!!!!

  4. Lovely day today for us as well, a true 'living in the moment' day. Time to look around and enjoy the spring sunshine, and reinforce the reasons why we came here. We need days like this from time to time.

  5. Hi everyone
    Thanks for taking time out to respond. I'm all out of time now so I'll catch you tomorrow.

  6. This is a principle I've been trying hard to learn at the moment, Ken, so thanks for your perspective and reminder.

    It's not an easy task for me - I'm so busy worrying about the past and carrying around things I should have let go of long ago, that I miss the good of today and the hope of tomorrow.
