Saturday, March 13, 2010


I'm sitting in the sun-splattered dining room ready to start the day. I have a feeling we have planned more things than we can cope with really.

It's already the end of the day, so in as few words as possible because I feel faint after another hot bath...
  • Tuxford (CHinK) table-top sale to raise money for the orphanage in Kenya. Raised £1,313.76 and still counting.
  • Lincoln for a carnival type atmosphere and French market.
  • Choose a phone for Bev. 
  • Lincoln to Newark to help Nikki while people viewed their house (Robin is skiing with our sons and his dad in Scotland). 
  • Washed the car for the first time this year. 
  • Dashed off to Ruddington to order bare wood mouldings and slip for my paintings. 
  • Enjoyed the biggest fire in the back garden and got rid of tons of rubbish and tree pruning.
  • Long soak in hot bath.
  • Relax.
The CD is now unstuck and everything is working in the car.

If the rest of my life goes as quickly as today, I'm in big trouble.


  1. What a busy day. I find getting so much done so successfully very therapeutic. For me the best bit would be getting the CD unstuck. Things like that are soooo annoying.

  2. Hi Jean
    I love it when I get a lot done.
    I viewed the world through different glasses when I got the CD player to work again. All I had to do was keep my finger on the button a little longer...felt a right idiot!
