Wednesday, August 05, 2009

It's a blog 'innit?

So I'll be bloggin' it.

Isn't the English language funny?

We have similar sounding words that have different meanings, like there and their, here and hear, bred and bread, wait and weight, and brake and break just to name a few.

We also have rite, write and right and tu-tu, too, to and two.

How on earth are people supposed to understand the following? "The bandage was wound around the wound". Or "The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert". My favourite is "There was a row amongst the oarsmen about how to row".

I came across the following on the internet... How can SLIM chance and FAT chance mean exactly the same? If we fill IN a form and fill OUT a form, it means the same thing.
You can make ammends, but not ONE amend. The plural of tooth is teeth, but the plural of booth isn't beeth.

My personal favourite is...if vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?

If French is similar, then I'm doomed! Please tell me it's easier to understand and learn French. Please tell me I don't have to spend a lifetime coping with it's inconsistencies. Please give me hope!

I think nibbling at it is the key to success. Enjoy the little snacks and don't get too bamboozled with the banquet.


  1. And why is it that we sit on a bus and in a car, switch them round and it doesn't work. What about sit on a chair but in an armchair they don't work when you switch them either

  2. I never thought of those. Amazing isn't it? What a great language we were dished out with.
