Saturday, August 08, 2009


The weathermen got it right! What a beautiful day!

We've loaded the van and and it's on it's way to Blidworth with help at the other end to unload.

I've actually got a full day to concentrate on my wall. I can scarce believe it.

As it happened, I didn't have a full day on the wall. I broke off to help clear up the flat in Newark. I'm pleased with the progress though. Its been a good 'jobs' day.

After an absolutely luxurious bath...I had difficulty dragging myself out of it, I enjoyed a take-away with Bev.

David rang from France to give an update on what happened during the week and , as I sat listening to him, I could feel myself siezing up.

My brain is now begining to malfunction. I really wanted to check out the art website featured on RB's blog, but I think the best thing to do is go to bed and drift into a long, long sleep.

I'll check the website tomorrow evening when I have my brain back.

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