After French class on Thursday we went to the picture framers workshop to discuss frames for my paintings. By the time we left and dropped Marthe off it was pitch black. I realized with horror that I'd pointed some stonework and it needed to be brushed down before setting solid. So there I was, torch in mouth, rubbing down the joints. Hope it looks alright in the morning.
Well, fortunately it worked out okay. I'd also done the outside top of the opposite wall.
Time to tackle the inside top. I didn't finish it because I wasn't sure if a beam was going in there somewhere. I've got rid of all the weeds and now I'm ready for it.
Job done.
It's now exactly the same height as the other side.
Bev laid the weed resistant material ready for the crushed slate. See how the grass is coming up already?
Right, I'm going to cut the grass front and back before the storms arrive.
Earlier the missionaries gave a helping hand on the overgrown bank. I wished I'd taken a photo of how it was.
Thanks for the seasoned timber, Martin. That'll be perfect for David and Eileen's fire over winter.
On the way to Dave and Annie, we noticed the ragondin trap had an occupant.
It's only a baby but vermin is vermin and it has to go. Dave took care of the killing (thankfully).
I know it looks a bit like a grave for giant ragondins, but it's a pleasing sight for us.
Another batch of timber for David and Eileen.
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