Sunday, October 06, 2013

Farewell Bel-Air

 Scaffold taken down and stored away ready for May.

 I'll have to dismantle and re-build the left hand side pillar as it leans too far to the left...but not today:)

 Seeds protected against the 'Ladies' daily visits.  We'll miss those hens.

 Can't wait to screw down the wall plates and erect the roof timbers. Actually, I can't wait to clean the stone and point it all up. The first job in May, however, will be to finish the chimney and left hand side wall.

 It's not exactly a beautiful lawn, but it's lovely to see it cut.

He can't wait to see us leave so he could nibble in peace.

The story continues in May, and what a year it promises to be. In the meantime, the blog will continue with our adventures in the UK.


  1. Looking great Ken. The bread oven is amazing!

  2. Looking great Ken. The bread oven is amazing!

  3. I'm confused, thought you were there for good, having sold up in the UK.

  4. Brilliant summer's work, Ken and Bev. See you soon!

  5. Hi Jean,
    We're confused, too:)
    We are returning to the UK to carry out work on the house we bought to rent out. Bev (and me) will also spend some time with Bev's mum and family members. We are also spending the winter doing voluntary service work at the Preston Temple, before returning to France in the spring.
    Ar you still enjoying retirement? It certainly looks as if you are.

  6. Hi Jean,
    We're confused, too:)
    We are returning to the UK to carry out work on the house we bought to rent out. Bev (and me) will also spend some time with Bev's mum and family members. We are also spending the winter doing voluntary service work at the Preston Temple, before returning to France in the spring.
    Ar you still enjoying retirement? It certainly looks as if you are.

  7. Thanks, John. Amazing isn't the word I would choose, but I'll gladly accept it:)

    Yes, see you soon, Eileen. I'm struggling with the weather here in Sunderland...up a ladder trying to sort the guttering. Fortunately, the weather was good enough yesterday for us to scrape the flaky paintwork and give it all a primer coat.
