Monday, July 26, 2010

Unwelcome visitor...

last month I was saddened to hear that Lynn Williams had died. She was a positive and happy colleague at our workplace and I didn't even know she had cancer.

Margaret Lucy was run over by a lorry today as she biked back to work from lunch.

I've known Margaret since starting work here and was shocked at how sudden and unexpected her death was.

There wasn't a day that went by the past two weeks that I didn't think about our next door neighbour in France who took his own life.

Now I'm thinking of all the people I know who are struggling to hang on to life and one or two who can't wait to see the back of it.

I'm not feeling particularly depressed or morose but I am thinking about the grim reaper and how and when we all could meet our end.

It's lurking and will get to us eventually but I'm quite happy to be last in the queue at the moment. Let the good times roll before my head does. Keep your distance and don't come knocking too soon. You're an unwelcome visitor here.

For now, what empathy I have is reserved for those left to pick up the pieces...the stunned, numbed, shocked and bewildered. I've been there and know how empty and lonely a place it is.


  1. Best to focus on the moment, and try to keep busy and pack as much into those moments, which gives one the feeling of getting one's absolute best from whatever time we have here. You have seemed a tad on the weary side in your recent posts, so hope you perk up soon. Blessings to you.x

  2. Today I walked in the sunshine and felt good. That's what I think we need to do more often if we can. It's a tough ride sometimes. Wishing you well Ken.

  3. Hi Vera
    Well perceived although keeping busy is perhaps why I'm so weary I fear.
    Thanks for your good wishes.

    Hi Kelly
    Last week I closed my eyes and flooded my brain with sunlight. Yep, It felt good.

  4. It just goes to show that you never know what is around the corner so make the most of every minute.
    Of course that's not so easy when one has had the c..p day at work that I have had today. Reading this has made me remember that at least I still wake up breathing each morning.
    For now, anyway.

  5. It is astonishing how many suicides do occur in this part of the French countryside. It is a bleak hard life really - fine for us expats but so many of the locals have next to no money, sometimes have a drink problem and I can easily understand the despair that can hit them.

    French winters are very long and dull - many more of them and I would have had severe depression I reckon

  6. Hi Jean
    When you have a bad day let's not forget that just a few days later you are enjoying a lovely weekend in France...but I guess that's something you knew was coming. You are right...we never really know what comes next.

    Hi Julie
    That's quite an insight. What makes them longer than here? Is it purely down to no money and little cheer? You appear to be right, there are lots of locals who have the look of depression and an apparent dependancy on alcohol.
