Monday, April 11, 2011

At work but not working.

A new day and a new work location for me as I move from this glass house...

To this one...

It's a much nicer working environment (we are just a little deeper in at the top of the stairs to the right) but we have absolutely no work to do. We see the initials of those in India against the emails we should be working on but we are not allowed to pull them.

The team have received their official notification of redundancy for the 31st May and mine will no doubt be in my hand today...if they remember I'm still here.

It's a strange situation. We who have given so much are now considered surplus to requirement. I'm pleased for India, but feel the hierachy could have been more sensitive and appreciative of what the UK workforce they are discarding has achieved. Yes, they offered us alternative employment but being on the phone to irate customers every second of the day is something I would find difficult to get out of bed for. Other jobs on offer were equally daunting.

It really is time for change and I'm up for the challenge of what might lay ahead of me. I feel bright and optimistic even though there is a global tendancy to paint the worst possible picture. I suppose if I had a mortgage and debt, I would feel differently, but thankfully I haven't and I don't. I feel so fortunate to have such freedom. I do feel for those who are younger with families to provide for.

I think I would like an interesting little part time job when I finish here as I don't want to paint full-time until we are living in France. It needs to be built up steadily...perhaps another year.

When all around we see anarchy, war, poverty, waste, unemployment, uncertaintly, disaster, devastation, murder, and mayhem, am I asking too much for simplicity, security and a happy existence or is my little bright protected bubble about to burst?

I suspect that the world will be just as I choose to see it, regardless of what happens...which means I'll be fine.


  1. Ken, I didn't realise the prospect of redundancy was real for you.
    I think it's a big mistake on the behalf of your company to move your work to India. Nick works for a company that did the same (to a degree) a decade ago and are now paying for it. People don't like having to deal with someone in a different country who has a different culture and doesn't understand the way we live here, never mind share a joke. There is the old tale of the lady making an insurance enquiry because she had lost her husband. The Indian operator did her best but at the end of the conversation said she hoped the lady would find her husband soon. It's on that level that people lose patience.

    I also don't subscribe to the idea that because there is war and famine in other parts of the world, our troubles are so trivial by comparison that they are not worth worrying about. We have no control over stuff like that but things closer to home are what matter to our daily lives.

  2. I am not sure of all the dynamics of your work environment but the facilities look quite empowering.

  3. When one door closes another will always open, even if it is not the one which is expected to do so. Ken, you have the right mindset to ride through this change in your life, and good luck to you, even though it must be rather trying waiting for the news of redundancy.

  4. I agree with Paul. It looks like quite a pleasant environment.

  5. I love your attitude toward life, Ken. You're always an inspiration. I loved this sentence: "I feel bright and optimistic even though there is a global tendancy to paint the worst possible picture." That's what faith does for you. I'll make that my motto for today.

  6. Hi Ken, I've read through both your blogs, and speaking from that part of the world which seems to be instrumental in contributing to your feeling of redundancy, all I can say is I think I understand. I can't comment on the business logistics that decide who gets what...but there are similar feelings on both sides eventually.

    I do hope things will work out well for you and your resilience will see you through.

    On a lighter note, during one of my legal battles with the Provident Fund Department, a lawyer looked at my papers and asked me why my husband was "Late." It infuriated me then but now it is one of those impossible jokes I laugh at!

  7. I'm going to take your last line and write it on a paper for me and my husband to reflect upon. Very wise words Ken. Thank you! And I know that you'll get through everything fine and on your feet. You have the right attitude.

  8. Hi Jean
    Yes, I wonder about the wisdom of such a dramatic switch, but the immediate savings are compelling from an employer's point of view.
    I know what you mean about bringing things down to a personal level...but still I reflect on the idea that we are sometimes more concerned about the pimple on the end of our noses than someone dying of starvation a few hundred miles away. When all is said and done though, it's really all about us.

    Hi Paul,
    I'm not sure about the dynamics either but it's been a good place to work, in the main. I can't grumble. It was originally intended as a temporary situation but I've been there six years.

    Hi Vera
    31st of May is my date with destiny and there are lots of doors slightly ajar. I just wish they were glass panelled doors so I could see what's ahead.

    Hi Tess
    For me to stay for six years means there is truth in your observation and I'll be sad not to be around some of the people.

    Hi Randi
    Today is another day and I may not feel quite so optimistic, but tomorrow I will:) Yes, I agree to faith playing a part.

    Hi Joy
    Thank you for the reminder that some good people are having an opportunity to feed their families by doing my job. Truth be told, I'm happy regarding that aspect of the equation.

    The 'late' incident is very funny in retrospect but, as you say, not so funny at the time.

    Thank you for your kind thoughts.

    Hi Kelley
    I must have been taking notes from you and your attitude towards trying circumstances...there can't be a better example.
