Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tip, rehearsals, siesta, decor and football.

It was dry when we got up so we crammed the car with all the rubble bags and emptied them at the local tip. From the tip we cut across country and dropped something at the Flinns before carrying on up to our rehearsal.

The rehearsal went really well and it was great to see youngsters, students and oldies like me struggle to get the songs, words and dances together.  It's going to be great next Saturday...and a laugh, as I'm sure there'll be some who'll forget their lines and cues.  Hopefully not me.

The weather turned wintry on the way back to Newark so we stopped for a meal at Lord Ted as a bit of a treat.

It's way too wintry now to work on the wall and garden, so it's a little siesta and then we'll be starting the front bedroom.  It's our goal to have it all finished and move back in by Christmas.

Actually, we started it a while ago and have already dumped the carpet, but we can do some more on it now.  I only have this bedroom, front wall,  garden and a little bit of the kitchen to finish and I'll have completed all of the jobs I set myself this year...and a few more besides!

I enjoyed last night as we chilled with the Flinns.  It's only a couple of treats and general chat about anything and everything but we find it very relaxing.

Juli must have read my blog because she rang us there to ask when I'll be available to do some work.  I guess she's lucky I'm ahead of myself.

Actually, I remember now.  She phoned her grandma (MIL) and congratulated her on overcoming her fear of water and flying. She didn't read my blog carefully enough, and almost caused civil war.  Sorry Juli, I don't think I can help you now.

Mmm, I don't know!  I suppose she did at least warn me of what she'd done.  She also told me that she's unable to post comments on my blog.  My comments on a few other blogs haven't posted either so I guess there could be a temporary hiccup.

England play Brazil this evening so it's bonding time with MIL again.  Hopefully she will have forgotten the conversation with her granddaughter last night, in which case Juli could still be lucky.


  1. Just goes to prove - blog skimming then commenting is dangerous for relationships !!

  2. Hi Jean
    Thankfully, she had forgotten all about Juli. She didn't even say she'd called.

    Today I reminded her of who was married to her daughter after she looked surprised to see me.

  3. I sometimes have trouble when I try and leave a comment here - blogging eh!

    Hope the new Mac is proving to be the business

  4. Hi FF
    I'm just about to transfer everything else from my other pc and throw my water-wings away to sink or swim with the mac.

    The other pc will be used solely for genealogy from today onwards.
